Train the Trainer

The Train the Trainer program is designed to give those who work with persons with disabilities training in the assistive technology products that will help their students, patients or family members meet their specific needs. With these courses, high school special education teachers, vocational staff, and rehabilitation staff will learn to manage and use assistive technology with independence and confidence. Learn more about the Train the Trainer program and contact us to schedule a course.

Contact Us to Schedule a Course

Through the Train-the-Trainer program, future special educators from local universities and current professionals learn about assistive technology and the use of computers in expanding possibilities for the special needs of students and clients.

The Train the Trainer program is designed to give those who work with persons with disabilities training in the assistive technology products that will help their students, patients or family members meet their specific needs. Learn more about the Train the Trainer program and contact us to schedule a course.

Course Length and Audience

Each training course is based on the features of the assistive technologies being taught. Courses are generally 3 – 4 hours in length and are designed for beginner to intermediate users of assistive hardware and software. The course can be modified for the audience to best meet their needs.


The location of a Donka course is typically flexible and can differ from case-to-case based on the needs, size, and preferences of your group. The default option is for Train the Trainer courses to be held at the Donka Computer Lab in the DuPage Care Center (DPCC) in Wheaton, Illinois as it has on display all our assistive technologies — including the very few pieces of equipment we would not be able to bring off-site.

It is very common for Donka to go off-site and present at the group’s university or workplace, and it is an option we are happy to accommodate.


Introduction to Assistive Technology: This presentation gives an overview of what assistive technology is and how it can help people with disabilities. There will be brief demonstrations of each type of technology Donka offers and examples of how people have used the technology in real-life situations.

Specific Assistive Technology Training: Curious about the options for a person with very specific needs? Learn all the ins and outs of any one (or more!) piece of assistive technology that Donka has to offer:

Windows Accessibility – Custom access features in Microsoft Windows for physically disabled and visually impaired individuals

Voice activation software

Custom word processor with visual and speech features

Scanning Software – Scanning study aid for learning disabled and dyslexic

Camera mouse with on-screen keyboard

iPad Accessibility and Apps

Word Q – Word prediction software

Screen magnification with speech features

Screen reading for individuals who are blind

Braille Translator – Prepare documents from computer to Braille

OCR – Read and Edit documents through scanner

Remote Presentations: Donka’s mobile teacher can conference with your group on any of the Assistive Technology products

Play Day: Bring your group to our lab where we will set up equipment for you to test drive.  After a quick overview of what we’re working with, you will be able to operate our programs for yourself with the guidance of a Donka instructor.

Easy and Low-tech Solutions: Look at some of the accessibility features included on most every personal computer. Great for people who are experienced users, but need “just a little” support, such as slight screen magnification or use of an onscreen keyboard.  Work with Donka instructors to best serve your computer needs.

For more information about signing up for a Train the Trainer course, please contact us.


Donka, Inc.
400 N. County Farm Rd.
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: 630.665.8169
Email: [email protected]


Business Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday – Closed
Sunday – Closed


Donka, Inc. is approved to operate by the Private Business and Vocational Schools Division of the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE).

Donka, Inc. is not accredited by a US Department of Education recognized accrediting body. | Complaints: 

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